A position of Assistant Laboratory Engineer in Biochemistry is available in the laboratory of the Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB) in Versailles for a period of 22 months.

● The host team : The recruited person will work in the team " Allelochemical Signaling and Strigolactones " SAS (formerly " Control of RAMification " CORAM). The research work focuses on specialized metabolites released by plant roots and involved in plant interactions. The team is currently composed of 3 researchers, 2 technicians, 2 PhD students and 1 post-doc.

A position of Assistant Laboratory Engineer in the field of biomaterials is available at the University of Rouen-Normandy, Evreux Campus.

The person recruited will participate in the BioMMAT team in the realization of the research projects carried out in the field of biomaterials.

Within the framework of two ANR, a position of Assistant-Engineer (fixed-term contract, 35 months) in molecular biology and epitranscriptomics is open within the biopole, in Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (Campus Brabois-Santé - UMR7365 IMoPA and UMS2008/US40 IBSLor). To your applications!

These two ANR projects are focused on epitranscriptomic analysis (RNA modifications) by chemical treatments and high throughput sequencing.

You will be entrusted with different missions:

A2-years postdoctoral fellow position isavailable at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Villeurbanne, France). Thepostdoctoral fellowwill participate in a multi-disciplinary research program ESTIMATE that develops novel MRI coils dedicated to tissue engineering 3D characterization. Therefore, the main objective of ESTIMATE is to democratize multiparametric MRI for the characterization of engineered tissues from the synthesis to the implantation stage.

The Claude Bernard University (Lyon) is recruiting a teacher-researcher specialized in the study of polymeric materials.

Registrations for the Master's degree in Health Engineering (BME Paris) are open. It is designed to offer a two-year training in the field of bioengineering, at the crossroads of biomedical sciences and engineering sciences.

The Technology Resource Center (LE MANS) is looking for a trainee. The proposed subject is the following: The presence of some constituents in one of the formulations requires a prior encapsulation of the cells in order to protect them.

The Laboratory of Mechanics of Contact and Structures offers a thesis on lung mechanics, with a transdisciplinary aspect linking mechanics, lipidomics, and physicochemistry : Ex-vivo study of the role of pulmonary surfactant in the dynamics of respiration: from the organ to the molecule.

The BioSE graduate school offers several doctoral contracts. The list of offers is available here.