Master Ingénierie de la santé (BME Paris)
Contact(s) :
Information about the Master
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Document(s) à télécharger :
Booklet 1.68 MB
Academic partners
BME Paris
The BME PARIS  master’s program is designed to provide a 2-year education program in the field of bioengineering, at the crossroad of biomedical and engineering science. It results from a partnership between Université de Paris, Arts et Métiers and Université PSL.
Based on this unique partnership, this master’s program is founded on an educational policy that favors interdisciplinarity and students’ initiative as well as international perspective.
In M1 (semesters 1 and 2), there is one single track, with individualized choices of courses according to students’ backgrounds.
The M2 (semesters 3 and 4) offers five tracks:
  • M2 Bio-ingénierie et innovation en neurosciences / Bioengineering and Innovation in Neurosciences (BIN)
  • M2 Bio-imagerie / BioImaging (BIM)
  • M2 Bio-matériaux et biodispositifs / BioMaterials and Biodevices (BioMAT)
  • M2 Biomécanique / BioMechanics (BioMECH)
  • M2 Biothérapies moléculaires et cellulaires / Molecular and cellular biotherapies (MCB)

Target audience:
The program recruits students with a scientific bachelor's degree (biology, physics, mathematics, engineering, but also medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.), PSL CPES graduates, ENS students and students from PSL engineering schools. Interns from medical, dental and pharmacy schools, students from the ENS and engineering schools can apply directly to the second year (M2), as well as students who have validated an M1 in a relevant field. International students can also apply directly to M2, provided they have a Master's degree (some exceptions are possible on a case-by-case basis).