
A word from the Director

The activities and projects of the Biology, Medicine and Health (BMS) scientific department are based on Molecular, Cellular and Therapeutic Engineering applied to normal and pathological aging and implement multidisciplinary and translational research including:

  • Fundamental studies for the identification of new molecular, cellular and tissue targets and characterization of their structure and function.
  • Finalized studies on the development of new therapeutic approaches.
  • Clinical and epidemiological studies (identification of new biomarkers).

Scientific department BMS
Biologie, Médecine, Santé
Campus Brabois-Santé
7 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199

didier.mainard [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Administrative Manager
malika.akroum [at] univ-lorraine.fr


 The BMS cluster comprises eight research units, as well as a shared platform service :

  • Molecular, Cellular and Pathophysiological Engineering (IMoPA) : UMR7365 UL-CNRS
  • Acute and chronic cardiovascular deficiency (DCAC) : UMR U1116 UL-INSERM
  • Nutrition-genetics and exposure to environmental risks (NGERE) : UMR U1254 UL-INSERM
  • Diagnostic and interventional adaptive imaging (IADI) : UMR U1256 UL-INSERM
  • Interdisciplinarity in Public Health, Interventions & Complex Measurement Instruments (INSPIIRE) : UMR1319 UL
  • Stress, immunity, pathogens (SIMPA) : UR7300 UL
  • Therapeutic targets and preclinical drug evaluation (CITHEFOR) : UR3452 UL
  • Development, adaptation and handicap (DevAH) : UR3450 UL
  • Engineering, Biology, Health in Lorraine (IBSLor) : UMS2008 / US40 UL-CNRS-INSERM-UL

The BMS department develops privileged collaborations with the three INSERM-UL accredited clinical investigation centers located at the CHRU.


The research department in the University

Research topics

  • Thématique 1

    A large and diversified scientific sector

    The Biology-Medicine-Health Department covers an extremely broad and diversified scientific sector that includes research units of very different sizes and disciplines. The themes range from public health to fundamental biology and from physiology to adaptive imaging. The common thread running through all these themes is obviously health.

    Through its 9 research units, the BMS department includes more than 200 researchers and research teachers, including 22 EPST researchers. It has a joint service unit that provides the department's research units, but more broadly to all laboratories at the University of Lorraine, as well as to the academic and industrial world outside the university, 6 cutting-edge technological facilities. Most of these facilities have been awarded the IBiSA and/or INFRA+ LUE label.

  • Illustration 2

    Thematic axes

    Three major thematic axes have emerged, each based on a University Hospital Federation: inflammation, cardio-renal and metabolic.

    There are also two cross-cutting axes, the normal and pathological aging axis and an emerging public health axis.

    However, other particularly dynamic themes are also developed within the cluster, even if they do not formally appear within the above-mentioned axes.

  • Logo LUE

    Lorraine University of Excellence i-site

    The BMS department is very involved in the Lorraine University of Excellence i-site, in particular through the two projects:


  • Illustration 4

    Valorization & Scientific influence

    • The department's mission is to promote a common scientific reflection and policy between the different research units and to encourage a strategy to improve their national and international visibility.
    • It promotes the involvement of the research units in the various calls for tenders of the university, the Grand-Est, and the national and international levels. In this respect, it has a role of expertise and issues a scientific opinion when necessary.
    • The department analyses and, if necessary, approves the agreements and conventions in which it is involved.

    Working in close collaboration with doctoral schools

    In connection with the doctoral schools, the BMS department manages the doctoral contracts awarded to it by the University of Lorraine. It provides a link with the BioSE (Biology, Health and the Environment) doctoral school, to which the vast majority of the Pole's teacher-researchers belong, as well as with the IAEM-Lorraine (Computer Science, Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Mathematics) and SLTC (Societies, Languages, Time, Knowledge) doctoral schools. It is associated in particular with the elaboration of the terms and conditions for the attribution of doctoral contracts, with the setting up of training courses and with the scientific animation for the community of doctoral students from the laboratories of the Pole.

    The ED BioSE N° 266, groups together most of the research units whose themes are based on biology, health and the environment applied to health. The contours of the ED BioSE are broader than those of the BMS department since it includes teams from research units (CRAN, LCPME, ...) belonging to other Pôles. The ED BioSE, with 26 researchers (INSERM and CNRS), 270 teacher-researchers and hospital practitioners and about ten engineers, with about 200 HDRs, currently has 145 PhD students in 15 research units.

  • Illustration 5

    Research support

    • The department manages the employment campaigns for teacher-researchers and research support staff, by encouraging joint reflection on the needs of the research structures and the reposting of positions for the benefit of the research units and staff.
    • The department is responsible for the distribution of the annual allocation of resources from the University to the research units, according to rules that have been discussed at the departmental level and adopted by the board. The department also manages the annual internal calls for projects "Incentive projects - Scientific Council credits" and "Structuring projects - Working capital credits".
    • The department ensures equity between all research units, whether they are EPST-labeled units or university teams.
  • *

    Clinical Investigation Center 1433

    The CIC 1433 of Nancy (CHRU Nancy, Inserm, University of Lorraine) is a mixed research structure ensuring the animation of translational, clinical and population research, and platform functions in the scientific themes that are specific to each of its three modules. The main themes addressed are :

    • Research on cardiovascular and renal diseases at the CIC-P

    • Perceived health metrics and evaluation of complex interventions at the CIC-EC

    • methodological research in MRI and more broadly, clinical research in imaging at the CIC-IT

    Committed to a quality approach, the CIC-EC (AFNOR, INFRA+) and the CIC-P (AFNOR) have obtained ISO-9001: 2015 certification over the last two years. The CIC ensures a high level of training in clinical research by hosting master and doctoral students on internships. It also plays an important role in the animation of research via networks of the national infrastructure FCRIN with :

Strategic objectives

  • Illustration 6

    Department objectives

    The BMS department wishes to consolidate, strengthen and develop the three research axes that have been defined and to promote their interactions. It also wishes to perpetuate, strengthen and develop the CNRS and INSERM units. The department must play its full role in improving the recruitment of international researchers through various actions and calls for tender which it has initiated, as well as the recruitment of statutory researchers. The department encourages responses to international calls for proposals and helps the department's researchers and teacher-researchers to apply for European calls for proposals (ERC, etc.).

    The department's ambition is to develop interactions between the major disciplinary fields it has defined, in search of common molecular and physiopathological mechanisms in order to promote personalized and precision medicine by integrating the field of artificial intelligence.

    Its medium-term goal is to create a large Biology-Health research center integrating all the scientific forces of the Brabois-Health Campus, with departments based on the major thematic areas.

Directory Management Committee

  • Silhouette en l'absence de photo
    Malika AKROUM Administrative Manager UL
  • Didier MAINARD
    Didier MAINARD Director UL, CHRU
  • Silhouette pour un personnel homme
    Xavier MANIVAL Co Director CNRS
  • Silhouette pour un personnel femme
    Natacha DREUMONT Co Director UL

Department's board

The Department Council is composed of 30 members:

 8 ex-officio members who are the directors of the research units:

  • Bruno CHARPENTIER (Director IMoPA)
  • David MEYRE (Director NGERE)
  • Jean-Michel HASCOËT (Director DevAH)
  • Magnus BÄCK (Director DCAC)
  • Alain LOZNIEWSKI (Director SIMPA)
  • Jacques FELBLINGER (Director IADI)
  • Nelly AGRINIER (Director INSPIIRE)
  • Caroline GAUCHER (Director CITHEFOR)


20 elected members:

6 seats among professors and research directors (College A):


  • Guillaume MORNIEUX (DevAH)
  • Xavier MANIVAL (IMoPA)
  • Véronique REGNAULT (DCAC)

6 seats among lecturers and research fellows (College B):

  • David COELHO (NGERE)
  • Julien OSTER (IADI)
  • David MOULIN (IMoPA)
  • Laurent GROSSIN (IMoPA)
  • Seat to be filled

4 seats among the technical and administrative staff:

  • Aurélie ROBERT (NGERE)
  • Naceur CHARIF (IMoPA)
  • Huguette LOUIS (DCAC)

4 seats among doctoral students:

  • Gaëtan VANOTTI (DCAC)
  • Élise POURIÉ (NGERE)
  • Julien LHUILLIER (IMoPA)

2 persons from outside the University of Lorraine:

  • Éric SIMON (Regional Director, INSERM)

  • Muriel BARBÉRI (CRAN)

Permanent Guest Members: Mehdi SIAGHY (CHRU) ; Sébastien RICHARD (CHRU) ; Patricia FRANCK (CHRU) ; Francis GUILLEMIN (UL) ; Sophie RAHUEL-CLERMONT (UL) ; Patrick NETTER (UL).

Guests by right: Frédéric DRUE (Accounting Officer, UL) ; Vincent MALNOURY (Director General of Services, UL) ; Hélène BOULANGER (Presidente, UL).


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
3 Rue Michel Ange
75016 PARIS

Délégation Régionale Centre Est
17 Rue Notre Dame des Pauvres

Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale
101 Rue de Tolbiac
75654 PARIS

Délégation Régionale Est
5 Rue Jacob Mayer

Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire de Nancy
29, Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
54035 NANCY

Geographic location

Pôle scientifique BMS
Biologie, Médecine, Santé
Campus Brabois-Santé
7 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199

Building 1 houses the administration of the BMS department.