Within the framework of two ANR, a position of Assistant-Engineer (fixed-term contract, 35 months) in molecular biology and epitranscriptomics is open within the biopole, in Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (Campus Brabois-Santé - UMR7365 IMoPA and UMS2008/US40 IBSLor). To your applications!
These two ANR projects are focused on epitranscriptomic analysis (RNA modifications) by chemical treatments and high throughput sequencing.
You will be entrusted with different missions:
- Preparation, analysis and characterization of RNA samples (quantitative and qualitative)
- Realization of chemical treatments specific to the field of epitranscriptomics
- Preparation of sequencing libraries and their characterization
- Participation in the proper functioning of a quality approach
- Writing of reports / minutes and technical notes
- Work in a team
For more details on this recruitment, here is the job description.
Are you interested in this position? Just send a CV and a cover letter to drh-recrutement-contact [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr before 13/08/2021.
For more information, you can contact the project managers at the following addresses: virginie [point] marchand [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr and iouri [point] motorine [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr
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