Université Lyon 1
Contact(s) :
Emmanuel BEYOU
emmanuel.beyou [at] univ-lyon1.fr
eliane.espuche [at] univ-lyon1.fr
Document(s) à télécharger :
Academic partners
Faculté des Sciences (Département de chimie) & Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (LYON)

The Claude Bernard University (Lyon) is recruiting a teacher-researcher specialized in the study of polymeric materials.

TEACHING: The teaching of the recruited professor will be done mainly within the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences and at Polytech Lyon. The majority of the courses will take place within the framework of the 'Chemistry and Materials Sciences' master's degree in the M1 and M2 courses (MISTE, C2VM, MAP 3D/2D) but also in the M1 Nanoscale, the M2 formulation and industrial chemistry and the 'Biomaterials' UE in the 4th year of the 'Materials' course at Polytech.
Teaching contact : Pr. Emmanuel BEYOU

RESEARCH: The research activities will be carried out at the IMP laboratory, UMR 5223 UCBL site and will be integrated in the 'LIFE: Polymeric Materials at the Interface with Life Sciences' cluster. The objective will be to design, produce and characterize structured polymeric materials at various scales, based on natural or biocompatible polymers.
Research contact: Pr. Eliane ESPUCHE