A2-years postdoctoral fellow position isavailable at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (Villeurbanne, France). Thepostdoctoral fellowwill participate in a multi-disciplinary research program ESTIMATE that develops novel MRI coils dedicated to tissue engineering 3D characterization. Therefore, the main objective of ESTIMATE is to democratize multiparametric MRI for the characterization of engineered tissues from the synthesis to the implantation stage.
The postdoctoral fellowwill workas part of different research groups (AMPERE, 3DFAB and LGEF) as well as agroup of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and scientists in the AMPERE lab as many of the work will be developed on its “plastronic” platform.
If you are interested by the project ESTIMATE and more specifically in Instrumentation, sensors, electromagnetism, magnetic resonance imaging, elastography, please send CV and references at simon [point] lambert [arobase] univ-lyon1 [point] fr (simon[dot]lambert[at]univ-lyon1[dot]fr)