- Trainings
Nature Masterclasses, February 27-28, 2025, Task-Force Publication - Nature Research
Academic partners - Auditorium I.R.I.S., CHRU de Nancy, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Funding calls
Internal call for projects “Incentive projects 2025 - Support for research activities - UL CS credits”.
Department BMS - - Job offers
Job offer - Biology Engineer - Lab Manager
NGERE - UMR 1256 NGERE, Campus Brabois Santé, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Institutional life
BMS cluster council meeting
Department BMS - BMS Administrative Building, Boardroom n°015 (2nd floor), Brabois-Santé Campus - Defenses
Thesis defense - Arnaud MICHEL
NGERE - Amphithéâtre Lepois, Faculty of Medicine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Héloïse JOLY
IMoPA - Amphithéâtre Lepoire, neurosciences building, CHRU de Nancy, Hôpital Central, Nancy - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Camille VIRCIGLIO
IMoPA - Amphithéâtre 7, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Campus Aiguillettes, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Enzo LECOQ
DCAC - Salle de Coloc, Geriatrics Department, Hôpitaux de Brabois, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Defenses
Thesis defense - Pauline JACOB
SIMPA - Amphithéâtre Victor Grignard, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Campus Aiguillettes, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy