Two laboratories have developed an innovation to fight Menkès disease, a hitherto incurable childhood pathology.

What if this was the solution to fight Menkes disease? The University of Lorraine (UL) has been seriously working on it since 2018. This disease is a rare pathology of genetic origin that causes a fatal copper deficiency in children, causing death before the age of 3.

Following the auditions of the candidates which took place on June 28 and 29, 2022 on the Campus Brabois ingénieur, the audition jury of the doctoral school BioSE, in agreement with the Pôle BMS, declared the results.

The ranking of the candidates who took part in the competition for a doctoral contract can be found in the downloadable document.

On October 14 and 15, 2021, were held at the Abbaye des Prémontrés in Pont-à-Mousson, the days dedicated to the Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE) initiative. This event follows the confirmation of LUE in the I-SITE category in June 2021 by the international IDEX-ISITE jury.

In the framework of the ANR's 2021 generic call for projects (AAPG), 48 projects (JCJC-PRC-PRCE) were submitted by research units of the BMS cluster. There were 28 projects for which the laboratories were coordinators, and 20 for which they were partners. At the end of the first selection stage, 17 projects were selected.

For the BMS cluster, 9 collaborative research projects (PRC-PRCE) were definitively selected for ANR funding.

Coordinating laboratories :

At the meeting of the Strategic Council for Health Industries (CSIS) on June 29, 2021, President Emmanuel Macron presented the 2021-2030 health innovation strategy. The objective is to place France at the forefront of European research and sovereignty in the field of health. This strategy will be deployed until 2030 and will benefit from a budget of around 7 billion euros.

The President of the Republic has set three major objectives based on the conclusions of the Strategic Council on Health Industries (CSIS), launched by the Government on February 11, 2021:

Nancy has received worldwide recognition with the publication in the scientific journal The Lancet of an article by Prof. Laurent PEYRIN BIROULET, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at the Nancy University Hospital, which discusses innovative management of MICI (Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

The UMS2008/US40 IBSLor is proud to be a partner of the ViroMOD project selected for funding in 2021 by the Regional Cooperation Fund for Research (FRCR).

The Clinical Investigation Center - Clinical Epidemiology (CIC-EC), a research infrastructure with triple supervision (CHRU of Nancy, Inserm and University of Lorraine) coordinated by Prof. Francis GUILLEMIN, has just obtained the ISO 9001 version 2015 certification for its activity of "Management of research projects, from construction to valorization".

In 2020, the Biophysics & Structural Biology (B2S), Cytometry and Proteomics facilities of the UMS IBSLor and the Clinical Epidemiology Investigation Center (APEMAC - CIC-EC 1433) obtained the StAR-LUE label of the INFRA+ program.

A novel treatment for septic shock has been developed by Prof. Danièle BENSOUSSAN. Accompanied by SATT SAYENS, this development led to the creation of the start-up company StemInov, co-founded by Julie HUTIN, a centralist, with the support of the Lorraine Incubator from the outset.