ISO 9001
Contact(s) :
francis.guillemin [at]

The Clinical Investigation Center - Clinical Epidemiology (CIC-EC), a research infrastructure with triple supervision (CHRU of Nancy, Inserm and University of Lorraine) coordinated by Prof. Francis GUILLEMIN, has just obtained the ISO 9001 version 2015 certification for its activity of "Management of research projects, from construction to valorization".

Its field of expertise is clinical epidemiological research and methodological research in clinical epidemiology and public health. Committed to a quality approach for many years, the CIC-EC has benefited from INFRA+ support and is one of 19 infrastructures to be awarded the Star-LUE label in 2021.

This certification attests to the CIC-EC's ability to design an efficient operation that meets the increasingly strict and constantly evolving requirements of professional practices in the clinical research field. It guarantees the quality of the support provided to researchers for their research projects in the field of evaluation of complex health interventions (organization of care, non-drug interventions involving multiple professionals and components, etc.), medico-economic evaluation, and perceived health.
The CIC-EC works in close collaboration with the clinicians of the CHRU of Nancy and different research structures of the UL, first of all the UR4360 APEMAC team, but also the Pierre Janet Center.