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Academic partners

Nancy has received worldwide recognition with the publication in the scientific journal The Lancet of an article by Prof. Laurent PEYRIN BIROULET, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at the Nancy University Hospital, which discusses innovative management of MICI (Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

This article highlights the worldwide recognition of the Nancy University Hospital in the field of MICI. It highlights the work carried out around a phase IIb/III trial on a new molecule to evaluate its effectiveness against ulcerative colitis. The treatment called Filgotinib concerns a new generation of therapies based on "small molecules", developed jointly by two laboratories Gilead Sciences and Galapagos. The efficacy of this new molecule reaches that of biotherapies that require an infusion or subcutaneous injection

This phase IIb/III will be followed very soon by an application for Marketing Authorization for the commercialization of the new drug which has the particularity of being administered orally.