The internal call for projects "Projects incitatifs 2024 - Soutien à des actions de recherche - Crédits CS UL" has just been launched.

Terms of reference :

The Innovation Santé 2030 plan aims to restore France's position in the field of innovation in Biology/Health.

The call for proposals for Chairs of Excellence in Biology/Health is now open. Chair projects must fall within one of the biology and health themes listed in the ERC nomenclature (LS1 to LS7 and LS9 1-6, see Appendix 1).

The maximum duration of projects is 5 years, with a maximum budget of €2 million per project.

You can find all the information about this call by clicking on the link below or by downloading the documents:

The internal call for projects " Incentive projects 2023 - Support to research actions - UL CS credits" has just been launched.

Terms of reference :

In the confirmed LUE initiative, the emphasis remains strongly on the doctorate and LUE funds are intended to finance theses in different contexts: support for the new IUF chairs obtained in 2021 (for which a doctoral contract is proposed a priori in addition to the present call) or for the creation of new IRPs or equivalents, support for dynamics contributing to the emergence of interdisciplinary programs, thesis subjects possibly proposed on their own budget by the 3 Labex.

The equipment available in laboratories, and particularly on research platforms, is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of cancer development. The objective of this call is to allow the acquisition of semi-heavy and heavy equipment in laboratories and research platforms that are essential for the development of ambitious research projects in the field of cancer, to promote interactions between teams and to reinforce the attractiveness and the place of French teams on the international scene in this field.

Methods of response and submission :

Through this new call for projects launched within the framework of the LUE initiative, the RÉCOLTE (Recherche ÉCOLe Thématique Excellence) scheme offers financial support to thematic schools of international scope organised between 15 May and 30 September 2022 on the Lorraine site.

To be eligible, the projects submitted must meet the criteria indicated in the regulations to be downloaded. The funding conditions of this new edition are also explained.

The internal call for projects "Structural projects 2022 - UL FdR credits" has just been launched.

Framing modality :

Within the framework of LUE, a first call for projects for the financing of doctoral/post-doctoral contracts, contributing to the interdisciplinary dynamics of the site, was launched.

The present call proposes to finance 15 recruitments. More specifically, the 15 projects selected under this call will be allocated a budget of 120 k€ to be spent over 24 months (post-doc recruitment) or 36 months (doctoral recruitment), corresponding to the payroll and some operating funding for the person recruited.

Methods of response and submission:

2022 is the first full year of the confirmed LUE initiative.  The emphasis remains strongly on the doctorate and LUE funds are intended to finance theses in various contexts: support for new IUF chairs obtained in 2021 (for which a doctoral contract is proposed in addition to this call) or the creation of new IRPs or equivalents, support for dynamics contributing to the emergence of interdisciplinary programs, thesis topics possibly proposed on their own budget by the 3 Labex.