Contact(s) :
malika.akroum [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Plus d'informations :
Document(s) à télécharger :
File to be completed59.89 KB
Evaluation sheet 277.1 KB
Department BMS
The internal call for projects "Projects incitatifs 2024 - Soutien à des actions de recherche - Crédits CS UL" has just been launched.
Terms of reference :
- This call for projects is designed to fund emerging scientific projects led by young researchers.
- Applications must not exceed €15,000 (€12,000 operating and €3,000 investment).
- Projects submitted must not be the subject of any other funding.
- Les porteurs, chargés de recherche ou maîtres de conférences (stagiaires ou titulaires), les ingénieurs de recherche (CDI, EPST ou UL) doivent avoir été recrutés après le 1er janvier 2014.
- Applicants selected for the AAP "Projects incitatifs 2023 - Soutien à des actions de recherche - Crédits CS UL" are not eligible.
- Hospitality and mission expenses are not authorized.
Proof of expenditure will be requested at the end of the project.
Deposit procedure :
Complete applications (in Word format) must be submitted by midnight on Monday March 25, 2024 on the submission application: https://appel-projets-ul-epst-region.univ-lorraine.fr/ under the BMS Science Cluster's internal AAP system.
Calendar :
- Tuesday February 13, 2024: Launch of the "incentive projects" AAP.
- Monday, March 25, 2024: Return of files (close of filing application).
- March-April 2024: Dossiers sent to external experts and expert reports returned.
- May 2024: Validation of final classification by BMS Council.
- June 2024: Presentation of the projects selected by the promoters, open to members of the BMS Cluster.
The evaluation form that will be sent to the experts is available to download.