Contact(s) :
Scientific and Technical
cancerinserm.equipement [at]
Administrative and Financial
cancer.daf [at]
Electronic submission
eva [at]
Document(s) à télécharger :
Academic partners

The equipment available in laboratories, and particularly on research platforms, is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of cancer development. The objective of this call is to allow the acquisition of semi-heavy and heavy equipment in laboratories and research platforms that are essential for the development of ambitious research projects in the field of cancer, to promote interactions between teams and to reinforce the attractiveness and the place of French teams on the international scene in this field.

Methods of response and submission :

The modalities for responding to this call for projects 2023 are described in the document opposite. 
The deadline for electronic submission of the complete application file is December 1, 2022 at 5:00 pm via the EVA3 submission platform

A guide for the applicant is available on the EVA3 website, do not hesitate to consult it.