Academic partners

The Innovation Santé 2030 plan aims to restore France's position in the field of innovation in Biology/Health.

The call for proposals for Chairs of Excellence in Biology/Health is now open. Chair projects must fall within one of the biology and health themes listed in the ERC nomenclature (LS1 to LS7 and LS9 1-6, see Appendix 1).

The maximum duration of projects is 5 years, with a maximum budget of €2 million per project.

You can find all the information about this call by clicking on the link below or by downloading the documents:

Chair of excellence in biology/health - Call for projects - 2023 | ANR

Projects are submitted in two stages (on the France 2030 platform) :

  • Phase 1: Submission of a letter of intent (max. 5 pages) and a letter of commitment signed by the establishment's representative ;
  • Phase 2 : If the project is pre-selected, a full dossier must be submitted to the ANR.

Deadline for letters of intent (phase 1) :

  • 2nd exercise - September 21, 2023 at 11 a.m. at the latest.
  • 3rd lift - January 11, 2024, 11 a.m. at the latest.

If you have any question about APP, please contact: chaires.excellence [at]