- Institutional life
BMS cluster council meeting
Department BMS - BMS Administrative Building, Boardroom n°015 (2nd floor), Brabois-Santé Campus - Defenses
Thesis defense - Frédéric SIMON
DevAH - Amphithéâtre A, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, 30 rue du jardin botanique, Villers-lès-Nancy - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Alexandre RENAUX
DevAH - Amphitheatre A, Faculty of Sport Sciences, 30 rue du jardin botanique, Villers-lès-Nancy - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Laura LEPAGE
INSPIIRE - ISGMPA Building, Board Room, D 206, University of Lorraine, Ile du Saulcy, Metz - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Pauline DIMOFSKI
NGERE - Amphi LEPOIS, Campus Brabois-Santé, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Seminars
Scientific Day of the French Chemical Society
Academic partners, University of Lorraine Campus of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Amphitheatre 8, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Job offers
Postdoctoral training
Academic partners - Laboratory of Virology Faculty of Medicine of Reims, EA4684 (CardioVir) - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Arnaud EDMOND WIEDEMANN
NGERE - Salle Gallé, 2 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Institutional life
Meeting of the BMS Cluster Council
Department BMS - Administrative building of the BMS pole, Council room n°015 (2nd floor), Brabois-Santé Campus - Defenses
Defense of thesis - Marie MULLER
NGERE - NGERE Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine Nancy, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy