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Academic partners
Institut Louis Mathieu - Amphithéâtre Gabriel Faivre, Rue du Morvan CHRU de Nancy - Hôpitaux de Brabois, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

A Clinical Research Day organized by Nancy's Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire (CHRU) will be held on Friday, NOVEMBER 24, 2023 in the Gabriel Faivre Amphitheatre at the Institut Louis Mathieu. The day will be devoted entirely to a retrospective entitled "COVID-19, back to the future".

The scientific organizing committee wished to highlight the research actions undertaken by our various disciplines in response to an unprecedented situation, from both a health and scientific point of view. Indeed, teams at the Nancy CHRU have published over 200 works on the COVID-19/SARS-Cov-2 theme.

This is an exceptional day, as it will mark our first face-to-face meeting dedicated to research in the post-COVID era at the Nancy CHRU. The event will provide a unique platform for all those involved in research, from young researchers to established experts, to share their findings and perspectives on the progress made in tackling this unprecedented situation, as well as on future research challenges.

We're counting on your active participation to contribute to the success of this day, which promises to be extremely rewarding.

Registration is indicated in the website link (section: more information).

Registration is compulsory.

The program is available to download.