Société Chimique de France
Contact(s) :
emmanuel.lamouroux [at]
Academic partners
University of Lorraine
Campus of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Amphitheatre 8, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

A scientific day for the community of chemists in Lorraine organized by the local section of the Société Chimique de France will take place on the campus of the Faculty of Science and Technology in amphitheatre 8 (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), on Thursday, May 11, 2023.

The ambition of this day is to encourage exchanges between the different actors of chemistry in Lorraine. In addition to the plenary conferences, which will highlight the main themes of the chemistry laboratories, you will have the opportunity to present your work to the community of chemists in Lorraine. Indeed, some slots are available for oral presentations.

In order to ensure the best representation of Lorraine's chemistry, the SCF-Lorraine office will make a selection of submissions for oral presentations. Submissions not selected or not wishing to give an oral presentation may be presented in poster form (grids will be available in the hall at the top of amphitheatre 8). Again, as space is limited, submission is mandatory and selection may be necessary.

The deadline for registration and submission is Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

The registration is indicated in the link of the website (section: more information).

Registration is mandatory.