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Academic partners

The Signalife Labex community is pleased to welcome you to the conference "Multiple Facets of RNA in Development and Disease" on March 16-18, 2022 at the "Grand Château" (Valrose campus, Nice).
This international conference will bring together world-renowned leaders in the rapidly expanding field of RNA biology as well as researchers and students to disseminate and discuss the latest basic and translational discoveries.

Session topics will include non-coding RNAs, spatiotemporal dynamics of gene expression, systems biology, RNA diseases and RNA-based therapy, as well as recent technological developments.

The conference is organized by members of the Signalife network, which includes 6 local research institutes (iBV, IPMC, IRCAN, C3M, ISA, Inria) and 8 institutions (UNS, UCA, CNRS, Inserm, INRA, Inria, Nice CHU, CAL).