Contact(s) :
cyril.tarquinio [at]

Following the epidemic linked to Covid-19, the Grand-Est Region decided to join forces with the French National Research Agency (ANR) to place research at the heart of actions in favor of the resilience of the territory by providing part of the budget granted by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation to launch this call for projects. Of the 15 winning projects, four involve the University of Lorraine, including the CHIANTI project for the occupational health of caregivers and staff in EHPAD and hospital services.

The CHIANTI project was born in the spirit of several actors (ARS Moselle, University of Lorraine, CD57, Metz-Métropole and CUMP-57) who, from the beginning of the health crisis, met weekly in order to exchange together on what could be done in the post-crisis period. This project is part of a clear interdisciplinary framework, articulating health, public health and psychology. The objective is, within the framework of a cohort follow-up (0, 3, 6 and 12 months) to evaluate the impacts in terms of psychological health, physical health and evolution of their involvement in the work of the caregivers and other personnel of the EHPADs and SHPLs since the management of the sanitary crisis linked to COVID-19 in Moselle over a period of 12 months.

Financial and scientific partners: Region Grand Est, ANR, CD57, Metz-Métropole, Université de Lorraine, Centre Pierre Janet, APEMAC, CIC-EC et LUE (Lorraine University of Excellence).