The Service Mutualisé de Plateformes (SMP) of the Université de Lorraine's Biology-Medicine-Health (BMS) cluster is expanding with the arrival of the new cryo-electron microscopy platform.

It's a great opportunity for our scientific community to have this kind of equipment at its disposal.

The BMS cluster is organizing a presentation of the new platform on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. in the Faculty of Medicine's Lepois amphitheater.

Following the success of the last two BioChem Forums in 2016 and 2018, with over 200 participants, a new edition of the Forum will be held at the Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (located on the IIllkirch campus, south of Strasbourg - easy access by streetcar from Strasbourg centre/Strasbourg station).

The SCF regional office is organizing a Christmas dinner on Friday, December 15, 2023, following the award of a Thesis Prize for the work of a young researcher in the field of CHEMISTRY. The winner will be invited to give a fifteen-minute presentation of his/her work, followed by a Christmas lunch.

In order to best organize this meal, please reply to the google form before Thursday December 7. The number of people attending will determine how the meal is organized.

On the occasion of World Parkinson's Day, an information, awareness and sharing event, open to all, will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Grands Salons of the Hôtel de Ville, Place Stanislas in Nancy.

On the agenda for this meeting :

Conferences : Parkinson and nutrition
animated by Dr Aurélie MALGRAS, nutritionist doctor, CHRU of Nancy / Mrs Marion DANNER, dietician-nutritionist.

Parkinson and cannabis

by Dr Nicolae Gospodaru, neurologist.

An international one-day meeting on “Calcification Disorders” organized by Hervé KEMPF (IMoPA, Nancy, France) and Magali CUCCCHIARINI (UKS, Homburg, Germany) will take place on December 13th, 2022 at the Centre Prouvé in Nancy. 

To attend on site, please register at the following link : 

From November 14 to 18, 2022, the EpiRNA-Seq platform hosted and trained 11 students of the Master 2 International RNAES in the framework of the LUE-Orion TP d'Excellence! A look back on this week of discovering the transcriptome!

Armed Forces-Nation meetings, specifically in Research-Innovation-Defense will take place on Monday, October 3, 2022 at the Army Training Hospital HIA Legouest, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm.

The objective of these meetings is to bring together civilians and military on aspects of research and innovation.

The University of Lorraine is associated to this event.

You will find attached the detailed program.

In order to guide scientific communities, managers and institutional research actors to a better understanding of its 2023 Action Plan, the French National Research Agency (ANR) is organizing the 7th edition of the ANR Tour from September 6 to October 3, 2022.

As part of the BD Innovation Tour, this year BD Biosciences will stop in Nancy on Tuesday 31 May 2022 (Amphi 250 A2; Building D; University of Lorraine Campus Brabois-Santé). Scientific presentations and round tables will be offered!

The CAPONE-Cancer research project's objective is to record the psychological consequences of cancer in the life history of patients.

We are therefore looking for volunteers to launch the study. We therefore invite you to a large information evening, organised in two parts. The event will take place via videoconference on 12 April 2022, from 7pm to 9pm: connection link (limited to the first 100 people connected that evening).