AAP 2021
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Academic partners

A call for business creation ideas, hereafter referred to as the Call, is organized in 2021 by the Lorraine Incubator. This call for ideas is intended to raise awareness in the world of higher education and research of the creation of innovative companies, in conjunction with public research. Its purpose is to help idea holders to move on to the stage of company creation project holder.

This call for ideas is open to all doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers from higher education and research establishments in Lorraine, as well as student-entrepreneurs registered with the PeeL (Pôle Etudiant Entrepreneur Lorrain) on the closing date for receipt of application files.

For researchers, teacher-researchers and engineers from higher education and research establishments in Lorraine, the project must promote their research results.

For doctoral students, the project can valorize their research results and if not, they must be registered as student entrepreneurs at PeeL on the closing date for receipt of applications.

Neither project leaders who are already incubated, nor winners of the national Pépite prize, nor winners of the national I lab prize, nor organizers, nor persons or organizations that are partners of the Incubateur Lorrain or that participate in the organization of this call for ideas may apply.

Candidates undertake to carry out their project in the best possible conditions and therefore to take part in the oral presentation of the Call for Ideas.

The creation of a company is not mandatory at the end of this Call for Ideas.

The participation files must be sent to the following address: incublor-contact [at] univ-lorraine.fr

Only the files received on this address will be examined.

The deadline for registration is November 24, 2021 at midnight.

The rules and the application form of this call are available for download.