Contact(s) :
seminaire-abr-contact [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Document(s) à télécharger :
Faculty of Medicine, Amphitheatre A1 250

According to recent predictions, controlling the dissemination of antibiotic resistance may become one of the biggest health challenges faced by mankind in the coming years. Worse case scenarios are already predicting 10 million annual deaths on earth by 2050 because of our inability to treat bacterial infectious diseases that were formerly curable.

Human health, animal health and ecosystem health are interconnected, thus combating antibiotic resistance cannot be conceived without a global “One Health” approach.

A thematic day addressing the problem of antibiotic resistance in all its dimensions, human, animal and environmental, from the territorial approach to the European approach, is organized as part of the maturation of the IMPACT Antimicrobial Resistance project supported by the I-site Lorraine University of Excellence of the University of Lorraine.

The program is listed in the link on the website (section: more information).

We hope to welcome many of you there, in person or remotely, to discuss this current topic.