Les polykétides bactériens sont des biomolécules particulièrement importantes en thérapie humaine et vétérinaire. Ils sont à la base de nombreux médicaments utilisés pour des traitements antibactériens, antifongiques, antihelminthiques, immunosuppresseurs ou encore antitumoraux. Ils trouvent également des applications dans la protection des cultures grâce à leurs propriétés insecticides, antifongiques ou herbicides.  

Scientists from IMoPA, IPHC, LGG and IGH laboratories have just published an article in the journal Nature Communications. It describes genetic and physical links between two cellular machineries with distinct functions, ribosome biogenesis and chromatin regulation.

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the Institut Jean Lamour - IJL and the Nancy School of Surgery is working on the development of the first biocompatible cardiac assistance device.

What if childhood suffering explained the chronic illnesses of adults? The analysis of this phenomenon was conducted by Cyril TARQUINIO, professor of clinical psychology and Camille Louise TARQUINIO, doctoral student in psychology (both at the University of Lorraine).

We now know that stress in adults is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But what do we know about the links that may exist between the stress experienced in childhood and the occurrence of these diseases in adulthood? The analysis of this phenomenon was conducted by Cyril TARQUINIO, Camille Louise TARQUINIO, and Murielle JACQUET-SMAILOVIC.