Theoretical and practical training is provided on the Celesta and Symphony instruments (10 places) to enable future users of the Cytometry platform to become autonomous. During this training course, you will be taught how to use flow cytometry, from acquisition to the processing of results in different applications.
Training objectives :
- Understand the principles of technology: fluorescence, fluorochromes, the cytometer.
- Master good laboratory practices in cytometry.
- Present different flow cytometry applications.
Program :
Theoretical instruction is provided throughout the course. It begins with a refresher course and a group presentation, and is then linked to the practical parts of the course to explain the principles involved.
In detail :
1) Theoretical training: This will take place on February 6, 2024, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. The main topics covered will be :
- Fluorescence and fluorochromes: A reminder of fluorescence, the different fluorochromes, spectral characteristics, properties - how to choose fluorochromes ?
- Flow cytometry principles: fluid and optical systems, signal collection and processing.
- Data representation: settings.
- Practical applications.
2) Practical training: For two hours, in a small group, you'll have the opportunity to learn good cytometric practices.
- Cytometer preparation and quality control.
- Detector settings.
- Protocols.
- Compensation settings.
- Controls.
- Data analysis.
3) Validation of training: The training is then validated with individual practice.
To register, please complete the attached form and return it to the Cytometry platform manager. : huguette [point] louis [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr (huguette[dot]louis[at]univ-lorraine[dot]fr)
Dr Huguette Louis will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this training session.