Contact(s) :
jordan.beurton [at]
Plus d'informations :
Meeting room, CITHEFOR, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
Jordan BEURTON defends his thesis on September 17, 2021, from 09H30, in the meeting room of the CITHEFOR laboratory (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy).
The defense is entitled "Physicochemical optimization of functionalized films for cardiovascular applications".
The jury will be composed of :
- Supervisor - Ariane BOUDIER - EA 3452 CITHEFOR University of Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Sophie DEMOUSTIER-CHAMPAGNE - IMCN/BSMA Université Catholique de Louvain.
- Rapporteur - Nicolas BLANCHEMAIN - INSERM U1008 Faculty of Pharmacy of Lille.
- Examiner - Corine GERARDIN - Charles Gerhardt Institute, UMR 5253 CNRS, University of Montpellier.
- Examiner - Gregory FRANCIUS - LCPME UMR 7564 CNRS, University of Lorraine.
- Thesis co-director - Philippe LAVALLE - Inserm U 1121 University of Strasbourg.