Contact(s) :
Magnus BACK
magnus.back [at]
Audrey ISCH
audrey.isch [at]
UMR1116 DCAC (Acute and Chronic Cardiovascular Failure), VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY

We are searching for a high-level international post-doctoral fellow to develop an innovative systems approach to the global health challenges of cardiovascular disease towards the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of a resolution of inflammation. The candidate’s work will involve a multi-omics approach, by performing lipidomic, genomic, and transcriptomic analyses. The project also includes experimental work in animal models as well as human vascular tissues and cells.

The candidate must hold a PhD at the start of the position, with demonstrated skills in biochemistry, clinical epidemiology, and experimental in vivo/in vitro work. Previous experience from lipid analyses, cardiovascular pathophysiology, and knowledge about lipid mediators of inflammation and its resolution are meriting.

Applicants are requested to submit the following materials :

• A cover letter applying for the position

• Full CV and list of publications

• Academic transcripts (unofficial versions are fine)

Applicants will be continuously interviewed until September 30. Applications are through Academic Positions : or sent through email to : magnus.back [at] (magnus[dot]back[at]univ-lorraine[dot]fr)