The Plug in Labs Lorraine portal presents the range of infrastructures and research units on the Lorraine site (University of Lorraine, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, Inserm, CHRU de Nancy, AgroParisTech and Georgia Tech Lorraine) in terms of research, scientific and technical skills, equipment, technologies and engineering. The aim is to make Lorraine's scientific expertise visible in order to develop partnerships.
It directs academic and socio-economic players towards the various competencies to encourage the emergence of collaborative projects and high-tech services. The objective is to improve knowledge of the innovation potential of academic research, increase visibility in France and internationally, strengthen connections and share the use of equipment.
Accessible to all free of charge, this portal presents in the form of summary sheets the expertise, equipment and certain patents from the infrastructures and research units. You can search by keyword, by the main themes of the Lorraine site or by the type of service you are looking for (collaboration, service, patent, etc.). In short, Plug in labs Lorraine maps skills with the aim of promoting them in order to encourage exchanges with companies and the national, European and international scientific communities. The data presented is based on various sources (INFRA+, HCERES file, unit websites) which are completed and validated by the network of Plug in labs Lorraine referents identified within the infrastructures and research units.