OrA-NEAT project
Contact(s) :
nelly.agrinier [at] univ-lorraine.fr

The OrA-NEAT project coordinated by APEMAC has been selected for the AAP 2020 "Antibiotic resistance: understand, innovate, act" led by Inserm within the framework of the ANR's Priority Research Program (PPR) "Antibiotic resistance". This interdisciplinary project aims to promote the proper use of antibiotics in EHPAD and thus fight against antibiotic resistance.

OrA-NEAT proposes an innovative methodological framework derived from the experience of APEMAC to develop and evaluate an intervention to promote the proper use of antibiotics.
Good antibiotic use programs (BUA) have proven their effectiveness in hospitals and nursing homes, mainly in North America, in the fight against antibiotic resistance. The transferability of these results to French homes for the elderly (EHPAD) remains to be explored. To this end, the OrA-NEAT project aims to: (i) Understand the behaviors and attitudes of healthcare professionals leading to inappropriate antibiotic use in EHPAD; (ii) Develop a multi-component BUA program, adaptable to the context of each EHPAD; (iii) Evaluate the effectiveness, sustainability, implementation and transferability of such a program in all French EHPAD.

The OrA-NEAT project, coordinated by Nelly AGRINIER of the APEMAC research unit, and in partnership with the Centre de sociologie des organisations de Sciences Po Paris (Patrick CASTEL), the Medicines and Population Health team of the Inserm-University of Bordeaux research center, Bordeaux Population Health (Catherine DUMARTIN), the Centre for the Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections CPias Pays de Loire of the University Hospital of Nantes (Gabriel BIRGAND), and the CIC-EC CHRU Nancy, Inserm, University of Lorraine (Jonathan EPSTEIN), is based on an interdisciplinary approach to public health that mobilizes clinical researchers, pharmacists, epidemiologists, jurists, psychologists and sociologists.