In order to facilitate access to calls for projects and associated research funding, ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS | Emerging Infectious Diseases, Anses and INCa are grouping together all their calls for scientific projects on a single gateway:
The portal was born of the collaborative work of six French players who play a major role in funding research projects. This initiative is the result of commitments made by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, in the research programming law enacted last December, to respond to requests to simplify the search for funding.
This portal aims to simplify the monitoring work of researchers, laboratories and research institutions and to strengthen equity of access to funding by centralizing all information on available calls for research projects or calls for allows them to quickly find the funding offers that best correspond to their research themes and to be informed of the publication of new calls by the creation of an alert, thus contributing to facilitate and lighten the administrative tasks