Contact(s) :
Projet CAPONE-Cancer
cpj-capone-contact [at]
Document(s) à télécharger :
Flyer281.01 KB

The CAPONE-Cancer research project's objective is to record the psychological consequences of cancer in the life history of patients.

We are therefore looking for volunteers to launch the study. We therefore invite you to a large information evening, organised in two parts. The event will take place via videoconference on 12 April 2022, from 7pm to 9pm: connection link (limited to the first 100 people connected that evening).

Prof. Cyril Tarquinio - co-sponsor of the project - will start with a presentation on childhood adversity and its consequences on health. The evening will continue with the presentation of the CAPONE-Cancer project and a call for participation to be relayed to your members. Indeed, for the results of our study to be relevant, at least 130 people must participate. Your contribution and your sharing are therefore essential.

The CAPONE-Cancer project is led by the Pierre Janet Centre, in collaboration with the APEMAC laboratory of the University of Lorraine and the Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences Department of the Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute, in financial partnership with the National League against Cancer, which is financing a university thesis on the project. For several years, the Pierre Janet Centre has focused on the psychological support of cancer patients and their families. Although medicine is increasingly effective in treating the patient's body, what about the psychological after-effects? Although it is fundamental, this dimension is still largely ignored today. This is why we have set up, with the help of the Ligue contre le Cancer - Comité Moselle, the Consultations Suspendues©, a unique scheme in France. It allows cancer patients and their families to benefit from free psychotherapeutic consultations. CAPONE-Cancer is therefore perfectly in line with an approach whose aim is to provide better support for patients.