Contact(s) :
arnaud.fischer [at] univ-lorraine.fr
University of Lorraine
March 15, March 16 and March 27, Amphi n°8, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Science and Technology Campus

An original, fully-illustrated conference on the history of understanding the human brain will be held on Friday March 15 at 8:00 pm, Saturday March 16 at 2:30 pm and Wednesday March 27 at 8:00 pm, in amphitheater no. 8 on the Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Science and Technology campus.

Admission is free, subject to availability; electronic reservations are required at arnaud.fischer [at] univ-lorraine.fr.

The poster with summary can be accessed by clicking on the following link or by copying it into the address bar of your Internet browser :  https://wicridemo.istex.fr/Wicri/HistSciences/fr/images/7/7e/Affiche_et_resume_conference_cerveau_%28Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy_2024%29.jpg.

It is possible that this conference will be offered at a later date as a videoconference for those unable to attend in person. This option will be confirmed on the basis of any requests received by Arnaud FISCHER.

For your information, Brain Week, which includes this program, is the occasion for other local events detailed on this page :


Please note that, in parallel with Arnaud FISCHER's lecture on Friday March 15, a show will be staged by a company of artists in Nancy's Salle Raugraff, for which bookings can be made online via the following link :


On campus, the conference rehearsals scheduled for March 16 and 27 will enable those wishing to enjoy the show on March 15 to join the conference without having to sacrifice one of the two activities.

If you would like to make a reservation for one of the three sessions proposed for the conference, please contact Arnaud FISCHER by e-mail, specifying :

  • the date chosen ;
  • the number of places required ;
  • first names and surnames of persons concerned (information required under the Vigipirate plan).

Come one, come all !