Restorative medicine
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Academic partners


Restorative medicine aims to repair or regenerate all or part of the damaged tissues or organs. These lesions can be of pathological or traumatic origin. Research in reconstructive medicine therefore applies to all these clinical situations and aims to directly benefit patients.

As a continuation of its call for projects in 2021, the Foundation for Medical Research (FMR) wishes to support interdisciplinary research projects in these areas. The projects supported should aim to validate a first proof of concept and present a strong translational aspect towards the clinic.

The FRM thus wishes to encourage the emergence of innovative approaches resulting from collaborations between medical or biological research teams and teams in the field of reconstructive medicine.

The 2022 call for projects includes projects that focus on the development of innovative tools or therapeutics, the improvement or development of new implantable materials capable of assisting in the repair of tissues or organs.

The MRF wishes to support projects that present existing preliminary data and must demonstrate a translational aspect (project aimed at being transferred to the clinic, use of models relevant to the pathology studied, validation of upstream projects).

The proposed projects may be preclinical studies to ensure proof of concept.

The proposed projects must be carried out by collaborative and multidisciplinary consortia.

The thematic program is available for download.