Mixed research unit 1319 INSPIIRE
Interdisciplinarité en Santé Publique, Interventions & Instruments de Mesures Complexes
Ecole de santé publique, Bâtiment C, Campus Brabois-Santé
9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199

nelly.agrinier [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Administrative Manager
Véronique BARON
veronique.baron [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Chronic disease, Adaptation, Mesure, Self-rated health, Public Health

APEMAC is an interdisciplinary unit working on 4 cross-cutting themes co-constructed and led by researchers from two teams:

  • In Nancy, the Complex Health Measures and Interventions (MICS) team under the direction of Pr Nelly AGRINIER.
  • In Metz, the Adaptation, Health Behaviours and Psychological Management (EPSAM) under the direction of Pr Cyril TARQUINIO.

Thematized research focuses on the areas of health prevention and promotion, medical and psychotherapeutic care, and the organisation of health services and pathways.

A methodological reflection is organized in a theme Concepts and methods around complex interventions in health on one hand, and perceived health measures on the other hand.

Supervising body(ies)

 Key numbers of the unit

  • 29 Lecturers and Professors
  • 2 Staff scientists
  • 20 Qualified research supervisors (HDR)
  • 10 Technical and administrative staff
  • 34 phD students 
  • 518 Publications ACL

In addition to its staff, the unit welcomes 3 persons in emeritus.


    Véronique BARON Administrative Manager UL
  • Avatar pour personnel féminin
    Nelly AGRINIER Director UL, CHRU