Research Unit U1116 DCAC
Défaillance Cardiovasculaire Aiguë et Chronique
Bâtiment D, Campus Brabois-Santé
9 Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP 20199

Magnus BÄCK
magnus.back [at]
Administrative Manager
Karine BELIN
karine.belin [at]
Cardiac insufficiency, Arterial stiffness, Hypercoagulability, Mechanotransduction, TREM-1, Calcifications, Aldosterone, Molecular imaging, Telomere dynamics, Patient cohorts, Heart Failure

Acute and chronic cardiovascular deficiency research unit has a leading position in clinical (aging, telomeres, heart failure, acquired chronic inflammatory vascular diseases and sepsis) and experimental research in mechanotransduction (arterial stiffness), thrombophilias and immunoinflammation (TREM-1 and resolvins). It is structured into two teams: ʺVascular stiffness - Inflammation - Thrombosisʺ and ʺPersonalized Medicine of Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Agingʺ.

Team ʺVascular stiffness - Inflammation - Thrombosisʺ develops 3 axes to identify key molecular and cellular mechanisms drivers of accelerated vascular ageing and atherothrombosis.

  • 1. To delineate how intramural cells sense and regulate their interaction with the extracellular matrix that endows arteries with their mechanical function; and to refine the role of vascular calcification which accelerates age-induced arterial stiffening.
  • 2. To understand the molecular interplay between arterial stiffness and hypercoagulability, in particular the role of vascular smooth muscle cells and their integrin receptors in thrombin generation.
  • 3. To unravel factors favoring the transition of acute to chronic inflammation and how to promote the healing of nonresolving inflammation as a novel cardiovascular therapeutic strategy.

The main specific projects of team ʺPersonalized Medicine of Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Agingʺ are as follows:

  • 1. Identifying personalized bioprofiles of heart failure and cardiovascular aging, with a special focus on:
    • Systemic biomarkers of fibrosis and inflammation (cardiotrophin, galectin, NGAL, miRNA, TREM-1 ...).
    • Telomeres considered as a major determinant of age-related cardiovascular diseases.
    • Cross phenotyping with functional and molecular biomarkers from cardiovascular imaging (PET, MRI and echography).
  • 2. Developing and testing bioprofile-guided therapies of heart failure, cardiovascular aging and frailty, on a multi-organ scale and including bridge-to-recovery strategies for acute heart failure.


Supervising body(ies)

Key numbers of the unit

  • 29 Lecturers and professor
  • 5 Staff scientists
  • 32 Qualified research supervisors (HDR)
  • 8 Technical and administrative staff
  • 13 / 3 phD students /
    Postdoc student
  • 664 Publications ACL

Research topics / Know-how

  • Vascular stiffness

    Vascular stiffness

    The paradigm of arterial stiffness has recently shifted (1) from elastin/collagen content to vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMCs) tone as key molecular/cellular determinants of arterial wall stiffness; (2) from shear stress to tensile pulsatile circumferential stress, as key mechanical determinants of arterial wall remodeling; (3) and from abnormal microcirculation to large/small arteries cross-talk, as key determinants of target organ (brain, heart and kidney) damage in disease. Our previous findings highlighted the major role of VSMC plasticity in arterial stiffening and processes of early vascular ageing (EVA).

    This research axis aims to delineate the mechanisms by which intramural cells sense and regulate the interaction of the cell with the extracellular matrix that endows arteries with much of their mechanical functionality and structural integrity, and the complex interactions amongst differently sized vessels.

    Contact(s) :

    Patrick LACOLLEY
    patrick.lacolley [at]

  • Coagulation – vasculature coupling

    Coagulation – Vasculature coupling

    Akin to arterial stiffness and pulse pressure, a prothrombotic state also increases consistently with age. Our previous results provided a first demonstration of a link between arterial stiffness and coagulation in aged patients. Although the mechanisms involved are still largely unclear, our data indicate a likely involvement of integrins. Since anti-platelet drugs and anticoagulants are in clinical use for atherothrombosis prevention, a better molecular understanding of the interplay between arterial stiffness and hypercoagulability has the potential to identify new pathophysiological mechanisms than can be targeted to inhibit early vascular aging.


    Contact(s) :

    Véronique REGNAULT
    veronique.regnault [at]

  • Specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and calcifications

    Specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and calcifications

    Lipid mediators are key orchestrators of cardiovascular inflammation during ageing. Pro-inflammatory leukotrienes contribute to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular calcification. In contrast, other lipid mediators oppose the actions of leukotrienes and act as the stop-signals needed for the resolution of inflammation. Such signaling molecules are termed specialized proresolving mediators (SPMs) and stimulate for example leukocyte egress from sites of inflammation and the uptake of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis). In contrast to acute inflammation, the chronic inflammation associated with ageing may result from a failure in the resolution of inflammation. 

    Our research projects address several different aspects of lipid mediators of inflammation and resolution in cardiovascular ageing, with focus on vascular stiffness, vascular calcification, atherosclerosis and valvular heart disease.

    Contact(s) :

    Magnus BÄCK
    magnus.back [at]

  • TREM-1 – platelets – endothelium – cardio-metabolic syndrome

    TREM-1 – platelets – endothelium – cardio-metabolic syndrome

    TREM-1 stimulates the production of cytokines and pro-inflammatory chemokines by neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages. Over the past decade, we have discovered the key role of TREM-1 activation in sepsis and myocardial infarction and demonstrated the therapeutic potential of TREM-1 blockade to decrease inflammation and improve survival. We are continuing this successful line of research to elucidate the role of TREM-1 in thrombosis and endothelial dysfunction. We are also studying the involvement of TREM-1 in chronic heart failure.

    Contact(s) :

    Sébastien GIBOT
    s.gibot [at]

  • Acute heart failure and cardiovascular shock

    Acute heart failure and cardiovascular shock

    The project is centered on bridge-to-recovery strategies leading to protect the integrity of heart and vessels, with a special emphasize on the adrenergic system, considered alone or in association with assistance techniques. Cardiovascular protection may be partly achieved through adrenergic inhibition and we demonstrated that β1 adrenergic inhibition with esmolol may be beneficial in septic shock. This leads to immune-modulatory effects presumably because β1-blockade also acts on immune cells. In experimental septic choc, we expect to determine whether the depletion in β1-adrenoceptors or their inhibition (non-chronotropic doses of esmolol) influence the infiltration of monocyte/macrophages into heart and vessels and also, enhance the differentiation from Th0 into the Th2 non-inflammatory cells. Additionally, by using the β1/β2-adrenoceptor double knock out, we expect to better understand the synergic effect of β1 and β2-adrenoceptors.

    Contact(s) :

    Bruno LEVY
    b.bevy [at]

  • Telomere dynamics and vascular aging

    Telomere dynamics and vascular aging

    The progressive life-long aging of the cardiovascular system is markedly involved in the high rates of diseases. Our studies have contributed to establish: (i) the association between short leucocyte telomere length (TL) and several age-related arterial diseases and (ii) that TL is mainly determined before adulthood. Telomeres ranking (having short or long TL) is stable during adult life and is thus likely to be established before the first clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, leading to wonder whether short TL is mechanistically related to the subsequent development of aging-related diseases.

    Our project involves both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, in order to provide information from different elements of TL dynamics (TL at birth, early and late life attrition) and significant knowledge about the relationship between cardiovascular aging and TL.


    Contact(s) :

    Athanase BENETOS
    a.benetos [at]

  • Personalized strategies to prevent, monitor and treat chronic HF

    Personalized strategies to prevent, monitor and treat chronic HF

    The project is focused on selected mechanisms relevant to the development of chronic heart failure, with an emphasis of the role of kidney dysfunction, mineralocorticoid receptors (MR), inflammation and hemodynamic factors. The aim is to identify and validate blood-systemic and imaging-focal new biomarkers to develop a new classification of chronic heart failure. This will open up new strategies of disease management taking into account relevant co-morbidities (especially chronic kidney disease, hypertension and obesity) and biomarkers in a “multidimensional” approach mixing omics research and imaging technologies.

    Contact(s) :

    Pierre-Yves MARIE
    py.marie [at]
    Patrick ROSSIGNOL
    p.rossignol [at]


  • Magnus BÄCK
    Magnus BÄCK Director UL
  • Silhouette en noir et blanc en remplacement de la photo
    Karine BELIN Administrative Manager UL

phD students

  • 4A these 2024
    Caractérisation métrologique et clinique d'un dispositif innovant de mesure de la saturation cutanée en oxygène par méthode optique utilisé dans le cadre de la prise en charge des troubles de la vascularisation cutanée
    Metrological and clinical characterization of an innovative device for measuring skin oxygen saturation by optical method used in the management of skin vascularization disorders
    Directeur de thèse :
    Athanase BENETOS
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Marine AMOUROUX
  • 3A these 2024
    Profils congestifs et fibrose en IC – Impact des interactions cardio-rénales
    Congestion profiles and fibrosis in heart failure– Impact of cardiorenal interactions
    Directeur de thèse :
    Nicolas GIRERD
  • 3A these 2024
    Rôle de l'intégrine AlphavBêta3 dans l'hypercoagulabilité de l'hypertension pulmonaire
    Role of AlphavBêta3 integrin in the hypercoagulability of pulmonary hypertension
    Directeur de thèse :
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Julien PERRIN
  • 2A these 2024
    Gabrielle VAN DE VELDE
    Clairance des plaquettes par les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires humaines
    Platelets CLEARance by human vascular smooth muscle cells
    Directeur de thèse :
    Véronique REGNAULT
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Rumeyza BASCETIN
  • 2A these 2024
    Gaëtan VANOTTI
    Étude du rôle du LSR, récepteur des lipoprotéines sur l'homéostasie lipidique et le processus inflammatoire de l'athérosclérose (LSR-RESOLVE)
    Investigation of the role of the lipoprotein receptor, LSR, in lipid homeostasis and inflammation in atherosclerosis (LSR-RESOLVE)
    Directeur de thèse :
    Frances YEN POTIN
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Magnus BACK
  • 2A these 2024
    Fréquence, facteurs déterminants et impact pronostique de l'insuffisance cardiaque chez les patients avec dysfonction ventriculaire gauche persistante post-infarctus du myocarde
    Frequency, determining factors, and prognostic impact of heart failure in patients with persistent left ventricular dysfunction post-myocardial infarction
    Directeur de thèse :
    Nicolas GIRERD
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Guillaume BAUDRY
  • 1A these 2024
    Optimisation de la prise en charge post choc cardiogénique / arrêt cardiaque des patients admis en réanimation.
    Optimizing current managements of cardiogenic shock / Cardiac arrest of Intensive care unit population
    Directeur de thèse :
    Bruno LEVY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Antoine KIMMOUN
  • 1A these 2024
    TRAjectoires de VIeillissement et hypertension ARTErielle : Aspects épidémiologiques, physiopathologiques et thérapeutiques
    Aging trajectories and arterial hypertension : Epidemiological, physiopathological and therapeutics aspects
    Directeur de thèse :
    Athanase BENETOS
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Simon TOUPANCE
  • 1A these 2024
    Imagerie pulmonaire de la ventilation en méthode TCAV dans le SDRA
    LITIA : Lung Imaging for Tcav (time controlled adaptive Ventilation) In Ards (acute respiratory distress syndrome)
    Directeur de thèse :
    Bruno LEVY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Laurent BITKER
  • 1A these 2024
    Analyse des patchs péricardiques traités au glutaraldéhyde
    Analysis of glutaraldehyde-treated pericardial patches
    Directeur de thèse :
    Pablo MAUREIRA
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Nguyen TRAN
  • 1A these 2024
    REG GE La résolvine D2 et son REcepteur GPR18 limitent l'Athérosclérose via la résolution de l'inflaMmation
    REG GE The role of Resolvin D2 / GPR18 axis in the resolution of inflammation associated with atherosclerosis
    Directeur de thèse :
    Nathalie MERCIER
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Magnus BACK

Pas de soutenance pour le moment

  • 06/04/2023
    La salle des thèses n° 3
    Biomarqueurs de la fibrose myocardique et de la rigidité artérielle chez les patients en insuffisance rénale terminale
    Biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis and arterial stiffness in patients with end-stage renal disease
    Directeur de thèse :
    Patrick ROSSIGNOL
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Sophie GIRERD
  • 16/12/2022
    Salle Gallé et salle Majorelle
    Mécanismes vasculaires et thrombotiques dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin
    Vascular and thrombotic mechanisms in chronic inflammatory bowel disease
    Directeur de thèse :
    Patrick LACOLLEY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
  • 07/12/2022
    Rôle de TREM-1 au cours de l’obésité et de ses complications
    Role of TREM-1 during obesity and related complications
    Directeur de thèse :
    Sébastien GIBOT
  • 18/05/2022
    à déterminer
    Résolution de l’inflammation par les médiateurs lipidiques dans le vieillissement vasculaire
    Lipid mediators of the resolution of inflammation in vascular ageing
    Directeur de thèse :
    Jérémy LAGRANGE
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Magnus BACK
  • 01/04/2022
    Amphitéatre Lepois
    Analyse mécanistique des effets hémodynamiques de la réanimation d’un arrêt cardiaque et implications thérapeutiques
    Analysis of hemodynamic effects of cardiac arrest resuscitation and therapeutic implications
    Directeur de thèse :
    Tahar CHOUIHED
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Guillaume DEBATY
  • 17/12/2021
    Salle des thèses numéro 1
    Le rôle des adhésions focales des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires dans la rigidité artérielle et ses liens avec la coagulation.
    The role of focal adhesions of vascular smooth muscle cells in arterial stiffness and its interaction with coagulation.
    Directeur de thèse :
    Patrick LACOLLEY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Véronique REGNAULT
  • 13/12/2021
    Salle de Visio-conférence
    Optimisation des techniques assistance circulatoire et ventilatoire dans l'arrêt cardiaque. Apport d'un modèle expérimental porcin.
    Optimization of circulatory and ventilatory assistance techniques in cardiac arrest. Contribution of an experimental model.
    Directeur de thèse :
    Bruno LEVY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Antoine KIMMOUN
  • 15/02/2021
    Salle des thèses n°1
    Impact de la modulation β1-adrénergique sur la balance lymphocytaire dans le choc septique expérimental
    Impact of &#946;1-adrenergic blockade on T lymphocytes balance during septic shock<br />
    Directeur de thèse :
    Bruno LEVY
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Antoine KIMMOUN
  • 16/12/2020
    100% Visio
    Laure ABENSUR
    Dyskaliémie : fréquence, pronostic, prise en charge et iatrogénèse.
    Dyskalaemia : frequency, prognosis, suport and iatrogenesis.
    Directeur de thèse :
    Patrick ROSSIGNOL
  • 12/11/2020
    Salle 1 Collegium Santé
    Ilona SARAIEVA
    Implication de la dynamique de la longueur des télomères dans la sténose aortique calcifiée
    Relations between aortic valve calcification and telomere length dynamics
    Directeur de thèse :
    Athanase BENETOS
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Simon TOUPANCE
  • 19/10/2020
    Salle de thèse
    Masatake KOBAYASHI
    Evaluation Tools to Quantify Congestion and Prognostic Implication in Patients with Heart Failure
    Directeur de thèse :
    Nicolas GIRERD
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Olivier HUTTIN
  • 16/06/2020
    Philippe GUERCI
    Effets de thérapies actuelles et nouvelles sur la microcirculation sévèrement endommagée
    Current and new therapies for the critically injured microcirculation
    Directeur de thèse :
    Bruno LEVY
    Co-tutelle :
    Department of Translational Physiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • 18/09/2019
    Bat D
    Camille ROUILLON
    Rôle du facteur d’échange nucléotidique Arhgef1 dans l’hémostase et la rigidité artérielle
    Role of RhoA exchange factor Arhgef1 in hemostasis and arterial stiffness
    Directeur de thèse :
    Véronique REGNAULT
    Co-directeur de thèse :
    Nathalie MERCIER


The unit has mainly three technical platforms:

  • Cardiovascular exploration platform dedicated to the functional and anatomical analysis of the cardiovascular system of small animals. It is equipped with 2 high resolution ultrasound echographs: "Vevo 770" and "Vevo 3100" (FUJIFILM VisualSonics ®).
  • Vascular exploration technical platform dedicated to the in vitro study of vascular reactivity on arterial rings or segments. It is equipped with 2 myography systems for arteries of different sizes: "pressurized myograph" (Living System Instrumentation) and "multi-wire myograph-620M" (DMT, Danish Myo Technology).
  • Hemostasis technical platform dedicated to the analysis of platelet aggregation and thrombin generation in whole blood, platelet rich and platelet poor plasma. It is equipped with a thrombo-aggregator (SD Innovation) and 2 fluorimeters with dedicated software (Calibrated automated Thombograph, Diagnostica Stago).
  • Echographe de haute résolution

    FUJIFILM VisualSonics
    Vevo 770
  • Echographes de haute résolution

    FUJIFILM VisualSonics
    Vevo 3100
  • Système de myographie pour artères

    Living System Instrumentation
    Pressurized myograph
  • Système de myographie pour artères

    Danish Myo Technology (DMT)
    Multi-wire myograph-620M
  • Mesure de la cinétique d'agrégation des plaquettes sanguines

    SD Innovation


Articles in peer reviewed journals