- Qualified research supervisors (HDR)
Qualified research supervisor - Philippe GUERCI
DCAC - Faculty of Medicine, Amphithéâtre Lepois, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy - Seminars
Information days on the funding opportunities of the new Erasmus+ program
University of Lorraine - Videoconference on 12/10 and Face to face in Metz on 15/10 - Doctorants
Ma thèse en 180 secondes - Registration - 2022
Academic partners, University of Lorraine - Théâtre de la Source, Tomblaine - Events
Fête de la science 2021 : Medical imaging at the heart of research
IADI - MRI platform, CHRU Nancy Brabois - Qualified research supervisors (HDR)
Qualified research supervisor - Iuliana-Angelica TIOTIU
DevAH - Faculty of Medicine, Administration Building, Thesis Room, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy. - Job offers
Assistant Engineer in Biochemistry at INRAE of Versailles
Academic partners - Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB), on the INRAE site in Versailles (78) - Job offers
Research assistant in the field of biomaterials
Academic partners University of Rouen-Normandy - Evreux Campus