- Defenses
Defense of thesis - Anne-Béatrice NOTARANTONIO
IMoPA - Amphithéâtre Maillard, ENSAIA 2, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Qualified research supervisors (HDR)
Qualified research supervisor - Jérémy LAGRANGE
DCAC - Room D138, Building D, Faculty of Medicine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Seminars
Presentation day for doctoral contracts in Artificial Intelligence
University of Lorraine Grand Amphithéâtre, INRIA in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy - Institutional life
Partial election of the doctoral students' college to the BMS cluster Council
Department BMS - Electronic channel - Calls for applications
My AI Project in 180 seconds Contest
Academic partners Center des Congrès Prouvé; Nancy - Seminars
ProteinLorraine seminar
IMoPA - Salle Barriol, Laboratoire LPCT, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies