Contact(s) :
stephane.dugravot [at]
University of Lorraine

Are you working with large volumes of data and don't know where to store it for the duration of your research project? PETA is for you!

As a follow-up to the national seminar on storage that took place on May 25, the Data Unit of the Grenoble Alpes site, the Inist-CNRS and the URFIST of Lyon are joining forces with the University of Lorraine to offer you a local session dedicated to the storage tools available at the University.

The session at the University of Lorraine will be aimed more specifically at the scientific community of the site concerned, and will take place on Friday, June 4, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm.

The speakers will be the following:

  • Stéphane DUGRAVOT (Digital Infrastructures Department): Administrator of the PETA service within the System and Operations team.
  • Christian MAILLARD (Digital Services for Users Department): Numilab referent who is the digital referent for all the laboratories of the institution.
  • Thomas JOUNEAU (Direction de la Documentation et de l'Edition): Curator of libraries. Functional manager of research data.
  • Julien BRANCHER (Direction du Numérique Système d'Information Études et Développement): Information Systems Architect. Technical manager of research data.

Program: presentation of the tools, demonstration of PETA and exchanges with the support teams.

To join the session (without prior registration):