Alumni Doctor Network
Contact(s) :
Latifa REZG
latifa.rezg [at]
University of Lorraine

On Friday, November 20, 2020, the University of Lorraine inaugurated the launch of a new platform specifically dedicated to Alumni doctors and PhD students.

For over a year, the University of Lorraine has been laying the groundwork for this new community by creating a LinkedIn group that now brings together more than 1,800 doctoral students and PhDs. It allows members to stay informed about the university's news, participate in dedicated events, follow web conferences on specific topics and benefit from career opportunities. Faced with the growing number of members, the University of Lorraine has moved up a gear by deploying a social platform specifically dedicated to Alumni.

Why did you set up the University of Lorraine's Alumni network?

The University of Lorraine hopes, through this platform of expression, to maintain a close link with this community of doctors.

The objectives of this network are multiple:

For the University of Lorraine, this network will allow to keep the link with the PhDs, to reinforce the feeling of belonging to the institution and to continue to accompany them after their course within the university.

For the PhDs, the objective is to offer an opportunity to belong to a community allowing emulation around various themes, to meet former colleagues or to meet new people with the same scientific interests, to enhance their skills, to access professional career development services (professional opportunities, human resources training, meetings with companies...).

You are a doctoral student or a doctor of the University of Lorraine and you want to register on this platform? Go to!