The Animal Care Campus Biology Health (ACBS) proposes a training session on "Refinement of asepsis techniques in laboratory animals" on Friday March 24, 2023 in Amphi A2 250 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on the Brabois-Santé campus.
It will focus on refinement methods that can be implemented for surgeries (all species) to prevent postoperative contamination risks related to animals, surgeons, consumables/instruments or the environment.
This training is intended for people who are licensed, designer, practitioner or caretaker.
The trainer is Dr Delphine BOUARD, veterinarian specialist in laboratory animal science.
A preliminary registration is necessary.
To register, please send an email to sylvain [point] poussier [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr
The number of participants is limited to 80.