Contact(s) :
Pauline MOSCA
pauline.mosca [at]
Campus Brabois-Santé, Amphithéâtre Gallé, VANDŒUVRE-LES-NANCY

Pauline MOSCA defends her thesis on January 29, 2021, from 9:30 am, at the Faculty of Medicine (Amphitheatre Gallé, Campus Brabois-Santé, VANDŒUVRE-LES-NANCY).

The defense is entitled "Alterations of the m6A epitranscriptome and histones methylation following vitamins B9 and B12 deficiency".

The jury will be composed of :

  • Thesis director - Bruno LEHEUP - University of Lorraine.
  • Thesis co-director - Natacha DREUMONT - University of Lorraine.
  • Rapporteur - Nicolas CHARLET-BERGUERAND - IGBMC.
  • Examiner - Isabelle BEHM-ANSMANT - IMoPA.
  • Rapporteur - Pascale ROMBY - IBMC.
  • Chairman - Jean-Yves ROIGNANT - University of Lausanne.