Contact(s) :
Vanessa MOBY
vanessa.moby [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Document(s) à télécharger :
Abstract330.2 KB

Vanessa MOBY is defending her qualified research supervisor on Friday, June 25, from 2:00 pm in videoconference.

Her defense is entitled "Tissue engineering development of prevascularized bone substitutes from human stem cells".

The jury will be composed of Mrs. GANGLOFF Sophie (University of Reims), Mr. DUVAL Xavier (University of Paris), Mr. WEISS Pierre (University of Nantes), Mr. FARGES Jean-Christophe (University of Lyon 1), Mr. DURUAL Stéphane (University of Geneva, Switzerland), Mrs. GROSOGEAT Brigitte (University of Lyon) and Mr. MENU Patrick (University of Lorraine).