Contact(s) :
Patrice GALLET
patrice.gallet [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Plus d'informations :
Conference room, Building D, Faculty of Medicine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Patrice GALLET is defending his qualified research supervisor on Monday, December 20, 2021, starting at 3:00 pm in the conference room of building D of the Faculty of Medicine (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy).
His defense is entitled "From the understanding of the physiopathological mechanism to the optimization of the management of cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract".
The jury will be composed of :
- Dominique CHEVALIER (Lille University Hospital).
- Béatrix BARRY (Bichat - Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris).
- Karine AUBRY (Limoges University Hospital).
- Anne CHARPIOT (Strasbourg University Hospital).
- Sophie COLNAT-DUBOIS (CHRU of Nancy).
- Roger JANKOWSKI (Nancy University Hospital).
- Cécile RUMEAU (CHRU of Nancy).
- Philippe PERRIN (University of Lorraine).