Contact(s) :
isabelle.koscinski [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Document(s) à télécharger :
Abstract409.17 KB
Isabelle KOSCINSKI is defending her qualified research supervisor on Wednesday, June 30th from 3pm in videoconference.
Her defense is entitled "GENETICS AND (IN)FERTILITY".
The jury will be composed of :
- Mrs Catherine POIROT (Sorbonne University).
- Mr Nicolas THIOUNN (University of Paris 5).
- Mr. Philippe VAGOT (University of Clermont Auvergne).
- Mrs Pascale CHAVATTE-PALMER (University of Versailles).
- Mrs. Laure JOLY (University of Lorraine).
- Mr. Bruno LEHEUP (University of Lorraine).
- Mr Georges WERYHA (University of Lorraine).
- Mr. Jean-Louis GUEANT (University of Lorraine).