Job offer
Document(s) à télécharger :
UMR7365 IMoPA (Molecular Engineering and Joint Physiopathology), VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY

A one-year postdoctoral position (renewable for an additional 12 months) is available immediately in the IMoPA laboratory.

The work proposed in this project will be to study the mechanisms leading to ectopic cartilage calcification in mice deficient for the Matrix Gla protein.

The start date of the contract is March 14, 2022.

More information are available on the job description file.

If you are interested in this position, you can apply on the CNRS job portal ( by responding to the UMR7365-HERKEM0-001 offer


You can send to Mr. Hervé Kempf (herve.kempf [at] : a cover letter briefly describing professional experience, relevant research interests, a CV and one or more letters of recommendation or contact information of at least one reference.

The deadline for applications is Tuesday, March 8, 2022.