The "TaskForce Publication CHRU de Nancy" partnership with the Nature Research group and the institutional support of the Nancy Faculty of Medicine was officially launched on 9 May 2022.
On the training side, this partnership includes two modules of excellence :
* The Nature Academies, the first edition of which took place in June 2022 at the Campus Santé.
* The Nature Masterclasses, the first edition of which will take place on February 9 and 10, 2023 at the Health Campus.
The Nature Masterclasses on February 9-10, 2023 will bring together 30 investigators with proven experience in clinical or translational research with a strong clinical focus and are open to :
* PU-PH ;
* MCU-PH ;
* Investigator and/or methodologist affiliated with the Nancy University Hospital, project leader of a project financed by a national DGOS call for tenders [PHRC-N, PHRC-K, PHRC-I, PRT-S, PRT-K, PRME, PREPS], ANR, EUR project and equivalents ;
* PH affiliated to the CHRU of Nancy, carrier of a project financed by a call for tender ;
* PHU ;
* ACC-AHU enrolled in a university thesis ;
* Doctoral student involved in a clinical research project at the Nancy University Hospital ;
* Teacher-researcher affiliated with the BMS pole and involved in clinical research projects at the Nancy CHRU.
The program of the next Nature Masterclasses is available for download.
To register :
* CHRU de Nancy staff: from the CHRU intranet only, QUERI portal https://portail-dtnib.chu-nancy.fr/s/PortailDRCI Heading: Make a request ® Nature Portfolio ® Nature Masterclasses.
* Outside the Nancy University Hospital: Send an e-mail requesting registration to task [point] force [point] publi [arobase] chru-nancy [point] fr
* In case of registration difficulties: you can register by sending a registration request by email to task [point] force [point] publi [arobase] chru-nancy [point] fr and attach the two documents duly completed (FORM-Curriculum vitae; FORM-Commitment of presence). These documents are available for download on the right.
* The deadline for registration is Monday, January 09, 2023 at noon.
* The number of places being limited to 30, registrations will be validated in order of arrival.