In May 2022, the CHRU de Nancy reached a major milestone with the official launch of the “TaskForce Publication CHRU de Nancy” partnership in collaboration with the renowned group Nature Research and the institutional support of Nancy's Faculty of Medicine, Maieutics and Health Professions.
A key element of this partnership is the training module Nature Masterclasses, renowned for its excellence.
We are pleased to announce that the next edition of this training course will be held on February 27-28, 2025.
The event will take place at the Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation en Santé (IRIS), CHRU de Nancy.
The program is attached.
The forthcoming edition will be all the more special thanks to the presence of two eminent scientific editors :
Dr. Gavin Mason, Senior Editor, Nature Communications
Dr. Christoph Schmitt, PhD, Chief Editor, Nature Metabolism
The Nature Masterclasses will bring together 30 investigators with proven experience in clinical or translational research with a strong clinical focus and are open to :
- MCU-PH ;
- Investigator and/or methodologist affiliated with CHRU de Nancy, leader of a project financed by a DGOS National call for tenders [PHRC-N, PHRC-K, PHRC-I, PRT-S, PRT-K, PRME, PREPS], ANR, EUR project or equivalent;
- PH affiliated with CHRU de Nancy, in charge of a project financed by a call for tenders ;
- PHU ;
- ACC-AHU enrolled in a university thesis;
- Doctoral student involved in a CHRU de Nancy clinical research project;
- Teacher-researcher affiliated with the BMS division and involved in clinical research projects at the CHRU de Nancy.
To register :
- CHRU de Nancy staff : from the CHRU intranet only, Portail QUERI Rubrique : Faire une demande ® Nature Portefolio ® Nature Masterclasses.
- Outside CHRU de Nancy : Send an e-mail requesting registration to task [point] force [point] publi [arobase] chru-nancy [point] fr and attach the two duly completed documents (FORM-Curriculum vitae; FORM-Engagement_de_presence).
If registration is difficult : you can register by sending an e-mail to task [point] force [point] publi [arobase] chru-nancy [point] fr and attaching the two duly completed documents (FORM-Curriculum vitae; FORM-Engagement_de_presence). You can download these documents here.
The registration deadline is noon on Friday, January 31, 2025.
As the number of places is limited to 30, registrations will be validated on a first-come, first-served basis.