The Marion Elizabeth BRANCHER Prize, endowed with 5 000 €, will be awarded on a personal basis on July 12, 2022 to a researcher of maximum 30 years old, whose fundamental or applied research :
- uses adult stem cells or iPSCs, directly or indirectly ;
- is conducted in the cardiovascular field ;
- have been published in national or international scientific journals.
The application file, written in French, must include :
- the surname, first name and date of birth of the candidate ;
- his/her postal and e-mail addresses, as well as the telephone number where he/she can be reached ;
- the contact details of the laboratories in which the candidate has carried out his/her research ;
- a curriculum vitae (one page maximum) ;
- a summary of the purpose of the research carried out and the results obtained (three pages maximum) ;
- a list and a copy of the first page of the candidate's main publications, as well as any patents obtained ;
- a commitment from the applicant :
- to authorize the Marion Elizabeth BRANCHER Fund to put his/her name, his/her photo (optional) and a presentation of the research work for which he/she received the prize on its communication supports ;
- to participate in a possible scientific day organized by the Marion Elizabeth BRANCHER Fund.
The application form can be downloaded.
The application file must be sent by March 31, 2022 at the latest :
- either by mail, to the following address: 18 allée du Baraillon - 69160 TASSIN-LA-DEMI-LUNE ;
- or by e-mail, to the following address : contact [arobase] fonds-meb [point] org.
The submitted files will be analyzed by the members of the scientific committee of the Marion Elizabeth BRANCHER Fund, who will select the winner.
Incomplete applications, which do not meet all the criteria or which are received after March 31, 2022, will not be examined.
All applicants will receive a written response by May 8, 2022.
The winner must be available on July 12, 2022, the date of the award presentation.