Contact(s) :
malika.akroum [at] univ-lorraine.fr
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Dossier to be completed53.02 KB
Department BMS
The BMS department has just launched the internal call for projects "Structural projects 2021 - UL FdR credits".
Framing modality:
- This call for projects must allow for the financing of a first acquisition of equipment or its renovation.
- The amount of the project must be greater than 20 k€ (excluding co-financing).
- This year, the University of Lorraine would like to see its own financing of at least 25%.
- The projects must be the subject of a mutualization of at least two units of the department.
Modality of deposit:
- Complete applications (in Word format) must be submitted before Tuesday, April 06, 2021 at midnight on the submission application: https://appel-projets-ul-epst-region.univ-lorraine.fr/ under the device PAA internal to the Scientific Department.
- The equipment specifications must be attached to the application.
- February 23, 2021: Launch of the "structuring projects" PAA.
- April 06, 2021 at midnight: Return of the files (closing application of deposits).
- During April 2021: Evaluation by the restricted council.
- Beginning of May 2021: Validation of the ranking by the department council.