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malika.akroum [at]
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Department BMS

The BMS department has just launched the internal call for projects "2021 Incentive Projects - UL CS Credits".

Terms of reference:

  • This call for proposals is intended to finance emerging scientific projects, led by young researchers.
  • The request should not exceed 15 000 € (13 000 € of operation and 2 000 € of investment).
  • The projects presented must not be the subject of any other funding.     
  • Researchers, lecturers or professors (tenured or trainees) must have been recruited after January 1, 2011.

Submission procedures:

The complete applications (in Word format) must be submitted before Monday, March 1, 2021 at midnight on the application of deposit: under the device AAP internal to the Scientific Pole BMS.


  • Friday, January 29, 2021: Launch of the "incentive projects" PAA.
  • Monday, March 1, 2021 at midnight: Return of the files (closing application of deposit).
  • March 2021: Sending of the files to the external experts and return of the expertises.
  • April 2021: Validation of the final ranking by the BMS Council.
  • June 2021: Presentation of the selected applications by the applicants, open to the members of the BMS department.

The evaluation form that will be sent to the experts is available for download.