As part of the Lorraine Université d'Excellence (LUE) initiative, the Université de Lorraine has set up the DrEAM! scheme (Doctor, Explore and Achieve More!) to finance the international mobility of its doctoral students within a research unit abroad. It is open to all doctoral students enrolled at the Université de Lorraine or in one of LUE's partner institutions who wish to spend between 2 and 6 months abroad on a research project.
The new call for applications is open from January 15 to February 12, 20234.
You will find hereafter the rules of the scheme, as well as the application form to be completed and sent to the International Department of the Maison du Doctorat at the following address drv-mdd-dream-contact [arobase] univ-lorraine [point] fr (drv-mdd-dream-contact[at]univ-lorraine[dot]fr)